Do not use Twitter during a fire

Product Warnings

  • “Do not use in shower.” — On a hair dryer.
  • “Do not use while sleeping.” — On a hair dryer.
  • “Caution: Hot beverages are hot!” — On a coffee cup.
  • “Do not use for drying pets.” — In the manual for a microwave oven.

Check out the 6th warning in the pic

Like so many other useful product warnings, not tweeting in the middle of evacuating a building during  fires is a good idea!

Here are a ten good ideas on how TO use twitter:

1) Find folks you know and follow them

2) Find folks with similar interests and follow them

3) Find companies you like and follow them

4) Create lists for yourself on areas of interest and other tweeps to follow

5) Use an interface/app like tweetdeck, twhirl or nambu for a better user experience

6) Integrate twitter with your blog

7) Tweet 120 characters and leave room for others to retweet you

8) Keep it real and engage, don’t broadcast nonsense

9) Help folks out and create value for them and yourself

10) Go to a tweetup and meet folks IRL, merge real life with your online life

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