2014 Mobile Search Device Deficiencies

600_50102mobile-device-traffic-statistaIncreased mobile traffic spells trouble for non mobile ready websites
Odds are your Mobile website traffic is moving beyond the 20% mark for devices, however odds are your websites are not optimized for a mobile experience. According to econsultancy 45% of businesses still don’t have a mobile site or app.

1 out of 2 visits on Tumblr is mobile

Sites with no mobile presence will diminish in the SERPs
I am predicting,  if you have no mobile specific site implementation you are going to see your sites SERP’s start to diminish over time this year, as Google is pushing the mobile experience heavily.

48% of Mobile researchers start on search engines

Users vs Devices, Investigate your traffic
Googles Cross Device Management tools allows you to analyze users, not devices.  You’ll be able to know at what stages of the purchase process users use which device, and make smart marketing (business intelligence) decisions. This might give you enough room to start developing your mobile strategy before you get dinged by Google for no or poor mobile presence.


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