Google: branding does not change SEO SERP's

The search engine optimization (SEO) community is at it again claiming that Google had changed its algorithms to increase the results of brands. Wrong! Google’s Matt Cutt’s squashed the rumour and role of brands in SERP’s and the importance of branding in search.

Twitter was a buzz and the cloud tags filling up with rain on this debate with search engine optimization (SEO) experts concluding in recent weeks that a change from Google gave brands better rankings in Google search. Stop the press and all the hype, on Wednesday via YouTube, @MattCutts acknowledged that some changes, small, had been made which would change SERP results.

However, Matt Cutts also said that recent changes should not be considered an update and Google does not put more weight on brands.

For Brands looking to increase their SERP’s (search engine reaults) and search engine optimization (SEO), Cutts said what worked several months ago, before the algo changes  should still be useful.

“What you should be doing doesn’t change – try to make a great site, try to make a site that is so fantastic that you become known as an authority in your niche … those are the sort of sites – the experts – that we want to bring back,” said Matt Cutt’s Google’s Search evangalist.

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