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Dynamic Keyword Insertion and Capitalizations

One of the more interesting features of AdWords that advanced PPC marketers have been using is Google Dynamic Keywords. This allows you to insert the search query that the user typed in directly into your ad. How to Use AdWords Dynamic Keywords In your title or description lines, you can enter a little bit of code that will insert the users query into your ad. The text should be formatted as follows:

{KeyWord:Alternate Text}

The KeyWord: is the query that the user typed in. The Alternate Text is what the ad will display if for some reason the query cannot be shown (such as if the query string is too long, etc.).

For example, let’s say we have “Larry’s Lamps”. Larry is bidding on the keywords “brass lamps”, “brass lamp”, “quality brass lamp”, and “brass lamps sale”. The ad is set up in AdWords as follows:

{KeyWord:Brass Lamps}
Get your {keyword:brass lamps} today
You can trust Larry’s Lamps

If the visitor searches for “Brass Lamps”, they will see:

Brass Lamps

Get your brass lamps today
You can trust Larry’s Lamps

If the visitor searches for “Quality Brass Lamp”, they will see:

Quality Brass Lamp

Get your quality brass lamp today
You can trust Larry’s Lamps

This is brilliant, because whatever the user types in will appear exactly in the ad. The ad will be properly bolded, and will appear more relevent to the visitor.

You can even control the case of the ad:

Buy {keyword:Car parts}  Buy car parts
Buy {Keyword:Car parts}  Buy Car parts
Buy {KeyWord:Car parts}  Buy Car Parts
Buy {KEYWord:Car Parts}  Buy CAR Parts
Buy {KeyWORD:Car parts}  Buy Car PARTS
Buy {KEYWORD:Car Parts}  Buy Car Parts