Tag: tags


HTML Tag Chart Tag Name Code Example Browser View <!– comment <!–This can be viewed in the HTML part of a document–> Nothing will show <A – anchor <A HREF=”http://www.yourdomain.com/”>Visit Our Site</A> Visit Our Site <B> bold <B>Example</B> Example <BIG>…

Do It Yourself SEO: A Beginner's Checklist

There will always be do it yourselfers succeeding at web promotion and search engine optimization. Many established businesses offering web services today came from humble beginnings. The Web evolves as the result of the innovation and experimentation of individuals. The…

Search Engine Optimization Pricing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical component in having a successful website! No matter how great your website looks, if it can’t be found on search engines like Google and Yahoo, then its value weakens. Optimization allows your site…

buggedmoney.com and RFID chips

The world’s smallest and thinnest RFID tags were introduced by Hitachi. Tiny miracles of miniaturization, these RFID chips (Radio Frequency IDentification chips) measure just 0.05 x 0.05 millimeters. The previous record-holder, the Hitachi mu-chip, is just 0.4 x 0.4 millimeters.…