Tag: Mobile

Mobile SEO, get a move on!!

2009 has been rich in articles about SEO and mobile, although the amount was reduced in the second half of the year, the number of investigations this is steadily increasing. SitePoint has recently submitted an article on Swift – a…

Mobile, Domains, and the Future

We’ve heard quite a bit of negative comments on MOBI’s at the TRAFFIC Conference, but from what I could glean, nothing actually concrete.  Everything is speculative, both positive and negative.  I have good contacts in the mobi industry, and have…


Whether you’re looking for the next airfare finder or trip-planning tool, here are seven sites we love. AirTravelUpdate.com Special fare newsletters Air Travel Update  AirTravelUpdate.com Air Travel Update-Freight & Packaging General Information; Workshop Program; Location; Hotel Information; Getting There. Cabin…


ErasingMemories.com There’s a scene in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” where the protagonist implores a doctor to treat Lady Macbeth, who is wracked by memories of past bad acts. “Canst thou not minister to a mind diseas’d, Pluck from the memory a rooted…


NeuralController.com This AASERT project was aimed at complementing an ongoing research project funded by ONR (grant no. N00014-95-1-0571). The goal of the parent grant was twofold: a) to further our understanding of the organization of motor control in the spinal…


ParkingAssistant.com Do you have a garage that is nearly too small for your automobile? Do you ever park farther than necessary from objects simply because you are scared to pull any closer? The Ultra-Sonic Parking Assistant allows you to park…


EVERYTHING FOR SNOWBIRDS AND SENIORS!! Anything a Snowbird or Senior needs or wants to know can be found on SnowbirdHomes.com. From retirement issues, real estate for sale or rent, to aging and health issues. It’s all here. Our purpose is…


mobileaugmentedrealities.com Augmented reality (AR) is the process of overlaying computer-based visual information over the physical world. AR systems can provide users quicker and clearer comprehension of information than could be achieved using any other method. Recently AR technology could be…


fangphone.com A revolutionary new design for a tooth implant which receives digital signals from radios and mobile phones will be on show from 21 June until November at the Science Museum London. This unique prototype is part of the new…