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Internet Marketing: Building traffic

If you are like most people, you will spend countless hours trying to build traffic to your website. Did you know that over 80% of website traffic is the result of search engines? If you want to increase the number of visitors to your website it is crucial that you have a top search engine position. As you already know, getting a good search engine ranking is next to impossible without optimization. Just submitting your website to the search engines will not get you a top search engine ranking. You also need to properly optimize your website in order to increase your search engine ranking. Once you have achieved a good search engine position only then will you start to see thousands of  people visiting your website each and every day.

We make it easy to optimize your website for search engine rankings.

What you should not do. . . (spamming the search engines) There are several things, considered “spamming”, that you can do to try to get your page listed higher on a search engine results page. Basically, you should never try to trick a search engine in any way, or you risk being blacklisted by them. Since the majority of your traffic will come from search engines the risk far outweighs the benefits in the long run. Below is a list of the more common things we recommend that you never do when trying
to achieve better listings.

Are you spamming the search engines?

It’s easy to spam an engine by accident — especially since the rules are constantly changing.

Easily make sure all of your pages are spam free with the Submit It! spider. It’ll check each page of your site and let you know if it finds any problems.

Get spam help!

Do not: Do anything to trick the search engines into listing your site better. If what you are doing is not listed as one of our search engine tips the search engines will likely view it as spam and penalize you. List keywords anywhere except in your keywords meta tag. By “list” we mean something like – keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, etc. There are very few legitimate reasons that a list of keywords would actually appear on a web page or within the page’s HTML code and the search engines know this. While you may have a legitimate reason for doing this we would recommend avoiding it so that you do not risk being penalized by the search engines. Use the same color text on your page as the page’s background color. This has often been used to keyword stuff a web page. Search engines can detect this and view it as spam. Use multiple instances of the same tag. For example, using more than one title tag. Search engines can detect this and view it as spam. Submit identical pages. For example, do not duplicate a page of your site, give the copies different file names, and submit each one. Search engines can detect this and view it as spam. Submit the same page to any engine more than once within 24hrs. Use any keywords in your keywords meta tag that do not directly relate to the content of your page.