Tag: twitter

2 Digital Velvet Rope Strategies

Are you a mover and a shaker? Legendary in your own mind? Or, like the Kardashian sisters, have your legions of friends, fans and followers willing, able and ready to act upon your every brand recommendation in a social post.…

Chirp Conference and Twitter announcements

#Chirp highlights 100,000 applications now registered with Twitter. Promoted Tweets – Twitter monetization model built around paying for tweet promotion in search. Dick Costolo introduced the new concept of  “Resonance,”  a cost model based on  ways companies interact with followers.…

Twitter Launches New Dynamic Homepage

Twitter is testing a new home page that features more real time or what they are calling “dynamic content”. After nearly nine months since the last homepage redo, Twitter introduces real time search, “algorithmically-selected” top tweet trends and suggested tweeps to…

Do not use Twitter during a fire

Product Warnings “Do not use in shower.” — On a hair dryer. “Do not use while sleeping.” — On a hair dryer. “Caution: Hot beverages are hot!” — On a coffee cup. “Do not use for drying pets.” — In the manual for a…

Twitter Hash Tags

Hashtags can be indexed and displayed in your group tweets by first following @hashtags. The service will follow you back automatically. Second step is to get familiar with hashtag commands, so that you only broadcast a message out to the…

Real Time Search isn't Real

No sooner had we gotten used to the idea of “Universal Search” and every detail needed to understand what would go into dominating the search engine results pages with images, videos and text, than Google releases “Real-time Search”. The question…