Tag: GA

Most popular searches by engine

Millions of searches are conducted each day on popular search engines by people all around the world. What are they looking for? A number of major search engines provide a way to glimpse into the web’s query stream to discover…

An Introduction to Domain Names

Simply put, a domain name is a “front” – they are word sequences users enter in their browser’s location bar to visit your site, but are not a Web site’s true address. Domain names are attached to DNS (Domain Naming…

$175,000 Purchase of BoiseIdaho.com

Idaho real estate broker Steve Barbey raised some eyebrows at this time three years ago when he paid $50,000 for BoiseRealEstate.com. He used the domain to redirect additional prospects to his IdahoRealEstate.com site. The deal worked out so well that…

BanksHomeLoan.com sold on Ebay

The Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks) are an essential source of stable, low-cost funds to financial institutions for home mortgage, small business etc… Great keyword domain but had other properties we are interested in.

buggedmoney.com and RFID chips

The world’s smallest and thinnest RFID tags were introduced by Hitachi. Tiny miracles of miniaturization, these RFID chips (Radio Frequency IDentification chips) measure just 0.05 x 0.05 millimeters. The previous record-holder, the Hitachi mu-chip, is just 0.4 x 0.4 millimeters.…

Guides and publications

We built one of our business around making Real Estate Guides. Magazines you find in supermarkets featuring homes in the local area. Clearly 15% plus of the traffic we generate on our websites is a direct correlation to the magazines.…