Tag: advertising

social media marketing

social media marketing What is social medial marketing? Social media marketing consists of the attempt to use social media to persuade consumers that one’s company, products and/or services are worthwhile. Businesses using social media want to sell their products or…

Leveraging the Content Network

Lots of folks talk about search and never delve into the content network. In the search network you choose keywords based on which ads will be shown in search results. In contrast with the content network, you choose locations, ie,…

You Will Never Read a Newspaper Again

Here are the nation’s 10 largest newspapers based on circulation and their websites. Every newspaper has seen circulation decline over the past few years. Newspapers face a special challenge in transitioning from print to the web. While it seems clear…

social media marketing; SEO Tips

There are many reasons social media can be a productive marketing channel or platform. Rather than employing it as a tactic du jour, the purpose should dictate strategy and the tactics used for reaching desired goals. A few common outcomes…


genuinehype.com In his book Brand Hijack – marketing without marketing, Alex Wipperfürth studies how Doc Martens, Napster, The Blair Witch Project and other projects/brands were able to rise above the noise of regular marketing tactics and use crowds to shape…


HireanAgent.com With so much information readily available online, clients sometimes ask me, “Why should we hire a real estate agent?” They wonder, and rightfully so, if they couldn’t buy or sell a home through the Internet or through regular marketing…