Good Blog Posts Create Decendants

Customer Reach
Photo by Intersection Consulting
How best to measure a blogs worth? I have been thinking about the value of a blog post and the content residing on a blog.  More importantly, what value and how do readers and other bloggers treat your posts and in turn what ideas did the original post provoke within the reader and community.

A good blog post is one that is capable of generating new ideas which in turn will generate more good ideas, etc.. A good blog post will generate many “daughter ideas” and a bad blog post will not generate any thought provoking ideas or actionable results.

You may try to apply this “what have you done for me lately” methodology to value a posts worth. What we would measure would not be a blog as a whole but each of the posts to see how these posts have an impact on other posts.

Good blog posts receive comments, trackbacks, post links, and are discussed, expanded, reviewed and criticized in other posts. The blog posts inherent good is multiplied by the net, creating what I would call “daughter posts”, bad posts have no descendants.

By establishing an expertise in a given area, many blogs raise their visibility with their target market. Using your blog to grow groups around a technology, cause, political issue or hobby is also a form of strategic PR, personal branding and just plain old good marketing.

Measuring placements, quantity, media format, quality, sentiment and reach help establish a methodolgy in rating and ranking a blog posts overall worth.

Do your blog posts live on?

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